Five Steps To Being College-Ready

2:40 PM

1) Think ahead.
Simple enough, right? Though it's so simple, so many people our age tend to live explicitly in the present, which isn't always all that bad, but it's important to think about what's up next in our lives. Begin to think.. where do I see myself in 10 years? What do I plan to make a living off of? What would I be happy doing? What would be so fun and cool to do that I wouldn't even have to call it "work"?

For those of you looking into colleges and where to pursue higher education, begin looking up schools. A lot of times young people will not look at colleges because they don't know what they want to go to college for. Don't worry.. you don't need to know what you want to do. College is a time for exploration and many times people will change their majors in the middle of the college career. I remember I started looking the summer before my freshman year in high school, and all throughout high school I was able to maintain a goal that kept me motivated all four years. It's never too late. Once you start you won't regret it! Thinking about your future doesn't have to be scary - it can be incredibly exciting.

If you're interested in looking for colleges but have no idea where to begin, use this amazing search tool provided by CollegeBoard. ( 
On the left, utilize the filters to fit exactly what you're looking for/are interested in, and boom, a list of colleges you could look into that fit your customized preferences. Look at all the deadlines and make sure you provide the school you're interested in with the required information before the deadlines.

Think ahead.

Check out the rest of the post by clicking the "Read More" link!

2) Dream big.
I've heard a countless amount of stories about how people are scared to fulfill their dreams because their families or friends don't think they can accomplish them. And here, I'll add in the famous "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough". Dreams aren't meant to seem easily attainable - they're dreams for a reason. As cliche as it may sound, you have to live your life for YOU. You've got one lifetime, you might as well take the chance and go for it. You have to be prepared to be told "No" more than you're told "Yes", you have to be patient, you have to be strong and remember you're fulfilling your dreams for YOU. Are you artist? A designer? A musician? An athlete? Go for it. If you want something bad enough, you'll be willing to do anything for it.
Now, since this is a a post titled "Five Steps To Being College-Ready", I want to bring in the fact that you don't necessarily need to go to college to accomplish your dreams - if your dreams don't require it. However, if your dreams allow you to go to obtain a degree, I strongly recommend it. Chances are, there are hundreds, thousands, and maybe even millions out there who have the same dreams as you do. You have to do your part and stand out, and though a degree isn't necessarily a golden ticket into achieving your dreams, it's a big step in that process and is only beneficial for you.

For example, I want to be a producer and eventually own my own record label. The majority of producers out there did not go to school for a degree in "producing", they probably just have immense talent and were around the right people when the time was right. I know that getting into this industry is difficult because so many people have the same dream I do. That's why I decided to go to school for it because I'll get to not only develop the tools to master my craft, but also network with a countless amount of important people who will help me succeed in my future. Same thing goes for anyone else who may want to become a musician. Or a fashion designer. Go for it!

3) Study, study, study.
If you're applying to a college, chances are, you're going to have to submit a high school transcript and/or standardized test scores. This goes for anyone applying to a college, whether you're still in high school or 5 years out. That being said, really work on being academically inclined.. even if you're naturally far from that. Unfortunately, during the admission process, colleges will view you as numbers and statistics; a piece of paper full of information about you. You can be the smartest, charismatic individual, but on paper appear to be "lazy" (for a lack of a better word) and that can be the factor in your rejection. Take a look at the requirements of your colleges/universities and strive to surpass their requirements so that you're a stand out. Spend the money and time to study for standardized tests - that'll help you financially and also in your admission process.
When I advise studying, I don't explicitly mean academically - I mean study your craft. Art, fashion, music, athletics, study. If you're going to school for something chances are you are highly interested in that field. Be ahead of everyone. Stand out. Learn what you can learn without the help from a professor.. buy or check out books, use the powerful tool known as Google! Study up! It'll all be worth it sometime later, I promise.

4) Participate!
This step kind of goes hand-in-hand with the previous step. When attempting to fluff up your application to schools, it's important to show what kind of individual you are, and that can be displayed through participating in various clubs, organizations, etc. You can also participate in non-school related events to showcase your interests. Look up what's going on in your area that may relate to your field of interest and sign up! Anything that shows you've put effort into learning and gaining experience can benefit you in so many ways, aside from fluffing up your application.

5) Let go.
By the time you've turned in your applications and filled out everything the school you're applying to requires, simply let go. You've done everything you can on your part. I know saying "let go" is much easier said than done, but it's really all you can do at this point. If you've been rejected from your dream college, don't worry. There's something else out there for you and in that moment, it just wasn't right. All that matters is that you keep your head up and keep that mentality you built from the beginning. Let go of the stress and just enjoy what your future has to offer. College isn't something easy to get into, and building the courage to even put yourself out there shows how great of a person you are. You've got a lot to be proud of. Now, let go, and let your life take you on a crazy ride.
That's it for this week's Wildcard Wednesday. I hope I could help some of you out, and let me know if you have any questions. I'm no pro when it comes to this type of stuff, but I certainly love helping people out and I'll do what I can. Thanks!

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