Cards Against Humanity

3:58 PM

This week's Wildcard Wednesday isn't necessarily creative.. but I wanted to dedicate a post to the amazing card game that is Cards Against Humanity!
If you've been on sites such as Tumblr, Twitter, etc., chances are you've seen photos of these infamous cards with ridiculous things on them. The game is self-proclaimed as "A party game for horrible people", and though I wouldn't necessarily call every game-player a horrible person, in order to succeed in the game, your sense of humor has to kind of be a bit twisted and "horrible" - both of which I'm pretty sure I have. 

Check out the rest of the post by clicking the "Read More" link!

The best way to describe this game is to compare it to Apples to Apples, a game you've more than likely played as a child. It's just that - a "judge" (in this game, they're called the "Czar") will pick a black card and will read it out to the group of players. Every player will have a certain amount of cards (I usually play with 7 cards given to each person) and the player just has to pick the best answer to what is stated on the black card. Once every player has turned in a card to the Czar, the Czar will read each card and decide who will be the winner of that round. The card that has the most inappropriate, funny, or horrible answer is usually picked, and the player who's card is picked gets to keep the black card. In the end, whoever has the most black cards is declared the winner.

Here are several examples of some rounds:

Inappropriate? Yes. Hilarious? Yes.
Now, this game isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you have this type of sense of humor, I can guarantee you and your group of friends will have a great time. I can't even count how many times I've brought this game out in social settings and it has brought so many laughs. I've brought them out at parties, BBQ's, photoshoots, etc. - every single time, the group had a blast. I plan to utilize this card game in college.. it'll definitely make me some friends!

You can purchase the card game at for only $25, and honestly, the main set is all you need, but if you're interested, you can purchase their expansion packs which include even more cards with even more updated sayings. 

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