LA Fashion Week

12:44 PM

For this week's Fashion Friday I wanted to talk about my experience last Thursday at Los Angeles Fashion Council's LA Fashion Week shows. I was invited to three days but I unfortunately was only able to go one day since I had class on Wednesday and then I drove back to Vegas Friday afternoon. 

I had the amazing opportunity to see three designers, Rose La Grua, Eva Franco, and Colton Dane. I was honestly so very impressed with what was shown and what each designer had to offer. Their collections were so distinctive and unique, I really loved it.

Colton Dane

Colton Dane's collection was absolutely beautiful. I loved the sophistication, the amazing cuts, the elegance that radiated from each piece, I mean, all-in-all, it was amazing. There were several pieces that really stood out to me, even though the color scheme throughout the collection wasn't anything special, they really just stood out in the construction, cut, and design. He's a young designer so it was great to see such sophistication and elegance from someone so young. Not sure if this is just for this collection, but if this is his taste, style, and vision as a designer, good for him!

Check out the rest of the post by clicking the "Read More" link!

Rose La Grua
Rose La Grua's collection was definitely the most unique out of the three I saw. Each piece featured fresh florals pinned on the garments and it was very... lounge-y. The fits on the outfits were very baggy, the material appeared to be very soft, and the styling of accessories and makeup was very grunge. I actually really liked this collection because it was very unique and just a breath of fresh air. I'm very interested in seeing all of her other stuff and her upcoming collections.

Eva Franco
Eva Franco's collection was the most commercial out of the three. It definitely wasn't bad, but it wasn't really anything spectacular, in my eyes. The looks were very nice but it did seem very commercial, very casual, and very "on the rack in a mall". I know that's not a very nice thing to say when it comes to designers and fashion, however, I got that vibe from the collection. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the show, it was very fun, casual, and I can see so many girls wearing these pieces.

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