My Dorm Room

3:55 PM

Hey guys! So, for this week's Wildcard Wednesday, I wanted to make a post about something I've been eager to write about.. and that is my dorm room! I've now been here in the dorms here at Cal Poly Pomona for almost 4 weeks now, and man, is it an experience. I've been having a really great time and honestly I don't have too many (if any) complaints. It's definitely made me very very social. Not that I wasn't before - but, I'm literally surrounded by people 24/7. People walk in and out of rooms and talk, you see people walking to the bathroom, you see people... just about everywhere you go. And they are likely to start a conversation.
I think what I enjoy most about being in the dorms is how I've befriended pretty much most of the people on the floor in this residential hall - both boys and girls. It's cool to be able to basically "hangout" with friends by walking less than a minute down the hall.
My roommates are awesome, I couldn't ask for any better. We all just kinda "get" each other and let each other do our own thing. No complaints on my end.
Below are some pictures of my dorm. I tried to take pictures only of my stuff and areas, just cause I wasn't sure if my roommates wanted their stuff on here. I don't think they'd mind, but still, I wanted to be cautious.

I'm in a triple, so that means the room comes with 3 dressers, beds, closets, and desks. The room is pretty small, however, with all the storage space, it really isn't too crammed or bad.

Click "read more" to check out the rest of this post!

This is a flag that my roommate Gerardo put up. It's really awesome and I think it's a great decoration for the room. It's the first thing people see when they open our door and it honestly looks so cool! It's in front of our window because we never really open the window.. and I'm not really sure why. Right below it is our printer and then our microwave. Behind the printer and microwave is a white board that's pretty difficult to see.. however, it has all of our schedules on it just so we have a general idea of each other's schedules.

This is a photo of my bed. I'm on the left side of the room with the bunk, and I'm on the bottom bunk below Gerardo while Garrison is across from us on the single lifted bunk  (with 2 desks underneath it). I don't really mind being the bottom bunk at all, I actually was hoping to get it anyway. It's a XL Twin, and though I miss my huge bed at home, this one isn't too bad. My only complaint is that is squeaks so loudly, I always get worried I'll wake up my roommates when I get into the room late. The wall is plastered with photos primarily from my senior year of high school with a bunch of my friends and family. It not only looks cool, but also is a nice reminder of home and all the people who really mean a lot to me.

Here's a photo of the good 'ol fridge and some cups. On the left of the fridge is Garrison's bed and on the right is my closet. The fridge is placed on my dresser which has clothes and some food/utensils. The fridge is really nice to have and I'm not sure how we survived the first two weeks without one.

Now, this is a badly-lit photo of my desk. I actually spend a lot of time here working on stuff and I'm actually writing this post right now sitting at the desk. There's a little desk organizer, folder/paper holder, drawers, spider-man cups, 3-hole puncher, a list pad thing, and my laptop. Pretty much all the desk essentials. I can't leave out the great canvas hidden behind everything that reads "LAUGH LOUD. LIVE TO LOVE. SMILE." I think it's a great decoration to have on my desk, and a friendly reminder!

Last but not least is my closet. The closet is actually quite spacious with a great amount of storage above it and (obviously) in it. In front of it is a little mirror and towel bar that came with the room. Inside, I've got drawers and a organizer on the right side with some clothes and the rest of the clothes on the left side. That piece of paper hung on the wall on the right in the image is the dining schedule of all the food locations here on campus. It's just a nice reference for us to look at whenever we want to know when things are open.

That's it for my "dorm room tour". I know, it's not anything spectacular - it is, though, the typical dorm room. I feel as if it's basically what you'd expect out of a college dorm room. I certainly miss the privacy, space, etc. of home and what not, but, living here isn't too shabby. I can definitely last the rest of the year here. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this week's Wildcard Wednesday. I'm trying to keep up with my weekly posting schedule while balancing everything else in my life, so please bare with me!

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